Sunday, 18 December 2011

Reader Forum created

Fiction Press offers a Forum and I decided to create a Readers Forum, so you my readers can freely discuss , critique and comment. Without the limitations of the regular Comment page.

The link is here:

Reader Forum created

Fiction Press offers a Forum and I decided to create a Readers Forum, so you my readers can freely discuss , critique and comment. Without the limitations of the regular Comment page.

The link is here:

New Chapter

New Chapter posted on Fiction Press

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Writing and Galactic Chronicles Stories in 2012

Dear Friends and dear readers of the Galactic Chronicles stories I post on Fiction Press,

a reader today send me a message asking:

yes I plan to finish this and all my stories. I am currently completing Book X. There are only a few chapters left. Then I post the chapters to Book XI that will finish the Olafson story arch. Then I will rewrite and complete the story of Roy Masters. (I think I should be done by March.
 Sorry for the wait. I am not a professional writer and must work and so I can only post 1-2 chapters a week. But I will finish it, I promisse. Thank you for reading and thank you for commenting and caring enough to write and ask.
 In the mean time I hope you might find my other stories entertaining enough to pass the time till then...;-) I also would like to point you to my Wiki with lots of Info (It is still growing but has a few pages on Green Hell etc)

With this I want to wish you Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year and I hope I will be able to retain you as a reader and entertain you as well.
Yours truly


Wednesday, 7 December 2011

This is a different chapter than the last one that was up. .

a99515 writes:
This is a different chapter than the last one that was up. both of them are great chapters that need to be included in this book as now there are two good reasons to fix this mess up world.
VR answers:
I originally posted a different Chapter 15 to Book X of the Galactic Chronicles (you can read the deleted chapter here: )
The reaso I took this one down is, because one of my dear friends, fans and readers said it was too confusing. After reading it, I had to agree and wanted to rewrite it.
But then my external Hard Drive, the one I keep all my Story material on, crashed for unknown reasons.
I had t send it in to :  who did a great job..but it took them almost 4 weeks to get it done. They recovered almost 80% of the files.
But in that time I was so angry at the world that I didn't find the peace of mind to write and then I wrote a new Chapter 15.
It turned out quite different to the one I had posted originally, but I still going to use the deleted oen and will recycle some of it in one of the upcoming chapters)
Just in case you wondered

Involuntary Break

I am sorry friends; sorry for the long break. But my external hard drive with all my story files crashed and I had to send it to a specialist company to recover the files.
It took them almost 4 weeks and it cost me nearly 900 Dollars, but they recovered 80% of the files and that was worth it. I have opened an account with Iron Mountain and uploaded all my files there.

So I am back now and you can expect regular updates again.