Sunday, 30 December 2012


Silvak has done it... He published his first episode of Triangulum Files on Fiction Press.
He is way to humble to acknowledge that he did it all on his own!
The only "help" I provided was some frame work and general information.
I am deeply flattered by his decission to write in the Galactic Chronicles Universe;
I am immensly proud of him and least but not last:
It's a great beginning and a good read. I can only recommend it.


Triangulum Files - A Galactic Chronicles Saga

Author: Silvak PM
An epic adventure in the immense Galactic Chronicles Universe created by Vanessa Ravencroft. Follow the story of Dante Vento, a ship operations officer, as he finds himself and his ship in the Triangulum Galaxy confronting bizarre species and vast empires. Can they find their way home or will it be an all-out fight for survival?

Monday, 24 December 2012

The Togar Issue

Story: GC X(RW) Captain Olafson
Chapter: 6. Planet Yo
From: Guest
:So far I like the write and preferred. Plus I also believed that the Togar
issue should be settled before Eric moves on to other areas of space.
Thanks for writing for us,
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Hi Guest,
sicne I can't answer you directy I am doing it over my blog and hope you will find it.
The Togar issue won't be settled completley before Eric moves on and the Togar Girl with the white Fur, will have a pivotal role in saving her own kind from total destruction.. but yes there will be a Togar solution before I move on to the next installment.
Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment.

Thursday, 20 December 2012

My Writing Plans for 2013

I am currently rewriting CH 10 because I wrote myself into a "Corner" I don't like so I going to change a few things around. The conflict of Har Hi and the Remaining Dai will become a seperate Story and will be Har-Hi's and not part of the Eric Saga.
I should have the rewrite done by end of January and then post book 11 and 12 to end the Eric Story (This is on my things to do list by the end of March)
I also going to complete the Book "Stahl" and post it with all Chapters at once (After it has been edited) so it is consistend and complete as it feel it is my best book yet. Since I can't type fast enough to get the story from my mind on "Paper" it should be done end of January.

I also complete the Stand alones of "Dr. Isah's legacy" and Tomb World my end of February.
And beginning of April I tackle the Earth Cycle.
Technically I wanted to delete the "Stand still" Novels from FP but I haven't done it yet...(Loosing the feedbacks)
So this is the General Plan. I am workwise tied up in the shop till March that means little travel and set working hours...and I can write. After March I will be on set again and Writing has to take a back seat till I am done in August.
So this is the Plan for 2013 and unless I die or ger seriously sick I tend to keep my plans

The Plans

I am currently rewriting CH 10 because I wrote myself into a "Corner" I don't like so I going to change a few things around. The conflict of Har Hi and the Remaining Dai will become a seperate Story and will be Har-Hi's and not part of the Eric Saga.
I should have the rewrite done by end of January and then post book 11 and 12 to end the Eric Story (This is on my things to do list by the end of March)
I also going to complete the Book "Stahl" and post it with all Chapters at once (After it has been edited) so it is consistend and complete as it feel it is my best book yet. Since I can't type fast enough to get the story from my mind on "Paper" it should be done end of January.
I also complete the Stand alones of "Dr. Isah's legacy" and Tomb World my end of February.
And beginning of April I tackle the Earth Cycle.
Technically I wanted to delete the "Stand still" Novels from FP but I haven't done it yet...(Loosing the feedbacks)
So this is the General Plan. I am workwise tied up in the shop till March that means little travel and set working hours...and I can write. After March I will be on set again and Writing has to take a back seat till I am done in August.
So this is the Plan for 2013 and unless I die or ger seriously sick I tend to keep my plans

Sunday, 16 December 2012

To Jose (Guest)

[ New Review ] for Adventures of a Greenie
1 recipientsCC: recipientsYou MoreBCC: recipientsYou
Hide Details FROM:FictionPress Message starred Monday, December 17, 2012 4:54 AM Vanessa Ravencroft,
A new review has been posted to your story.
Story: Adventures of a Greenie
Chapter: 24. Chapter 24
From: Jose (Guest)
Jose:This was an interesting chapter, but disappointing at the same time. The
story should have continued a few more chapters in order to cover his friends
on Green Hell and what happened to them.
Anyway I still enjoyed it and I am looking forward to the next installment.
Thanks, Jose
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Thank you Jose. the story will continue no worries. There will be more books / stories with Roy and his friends. They will all resurface and some have a story of their own.
Thank you for reading and commenting

Yours truly


Saturday, 15 December 2012

Imitation is not the finest Form of of a Compliment.. Fan Fiction is!!!

Imitation is not the finest Form of of a Compliment.. Fan Fiction is!!!
Yes it is true and I can't hardly believe it myself. One of my Fans, friends and readers begun to write Stories in the Galactic Chronicles Universe.
While I was a little skeptical at first, but after reading the first pages of his story, I am amazed and excited now.
SILVAK aka Robert , who follows my stories for quite some time now and who helps editing the GalNet Wiki. Under the working title “Triangulum Files” he started to tell a Story within the GC Universe.
To read a story of someone else in the GC Universe is a thrill ride and truly amazing especially since he managed to capture the GC Spirit.
I am very proud of him and fully endorse his stories. They are GC Canon.

Thanks Silvak!! Thank you Robert

To the Stars

Vanessa Ravencroft

3000 Pages on the GalNet Wiki

Another Milestone reached:

3000 pages on the GALNET Wiki

Information and articles about the Galactic Chronicles Universe

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

100,000 Downloads of my Stories

I can't believe it, but its there black and white...100,000 + individuals have downloaded my Stories on SOL. While I suspect they count the download of every chapter and so there are returning readers.
100,000 is still a big number. I am not sure if some actually selling books have numbers like that...
Now if only some Publisher / Editor would be among those ...and offer me a Contract. So I can quit working and write for a living.
Well one can dream and until that happens...there will be more stories on Fictionpress and Stories On Line
for free...;-)


Sunday, 9 December 2012

Roy Masters Book last Chapters

Here is a Response / Message from a  Reader of my stories:
Sunday, December 9, 2012 7:39 PM

While I must admit the cross dressing twist is not
my preference, the story nonetheless has become my
favourite posted serial in at least a year. Only
complaint is the wait between chapters. :) loving
your work, ditto for green hell
The first book of Roy Masters and his Adventures on Green Hell draw to an end and the last chapters will be posted within the next two weeks.
I am returning to Erica and the Tigershark right after that.
My work on STORIES ONLINE is posted by a friend and he is also editing the material. Since he has a busy life and I can't pay an editor , the pace of postings sometimes slows down. (Real life and work etc)
So you can head over to Fiction Press and read what is not posted on SOL.
You may notice that I have begun rewriting Book TEN in preperation of a new Book 11