Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Mass killings

Mass killings

Recent events in El Paso and Ohio are only the latest of such horrific events. These events appear ton occur with increasing frequency and everyone is blaming racism and guns but no one is looking at the real causes.
But it is not the tools used, i.e. guns, cars, pressure cookers or vans filled with explosives. It is the person using these tools.
Now, I am sure there are schooled experts, sociologists, psychiatrists and psychologists who will have a ready answer. Pointing to mental illness, violent video games and movies they make it all sound as if modern society and the exposure to these things are to blame.
Now I am not a specialist, nor an expert. All I rely on is my own opinion, common sense and analytical observations.
With that said, I am sure there are millions of other opinions and none may be more or less valid than what I am about to express.
Violence has always been a core element of human society. The circus games in ancient Rome were bloodier and more gruesome than any simulated video game. Public executions and in a much lesser but still violence based extend: Boxing, Wrestling and many other forms of contact sports pitting fighter against fighter.
Violence and death have always been part of human entertainment.
It does not matter what culture: Romans, Aztecs, Maya, Egyptians or any other society past or present. It does not matter what color of skin or global region. Man of all colors and all backgrounds have gravitated to exhibits of violence as a source of entertainment.
Now another argument is the availability of guns.
This is, in my opinion also a false argument, Guns are around for a long time. Even so-called automatic guns capable of dispensing many rounds in a very short time.
The venerable AK 47 can be found in the hands of millions all across the globe. Ever since Winchester and Henry introduced fast repeater rifles such weapons are in the hands of civilians.
Why hasn't a there been a school shooting with someone using a Winchester lets say fifty years ago?
Back then you could by a Tommy Gun and surplus hand grenades from the Sears catalog. Dynamite was available in any hardware store.
While these things had been used by criminals throughout the ages, like the gangsters in Chicago where the Valentine massacre comes to mind. The average, common citizen never decided to blow up Macy's or bring a bomb to a football game.
So maybe one needs to compare societies back then and now. Draw parallels and by doing so isolate the differences.
And suddenly some aspects become very apparent.
Back then parents were responsible for the rearing and upbringing of their children. They did not blame everyone else for the deeds of their children.
The family unit was intact. Fathers were the head of the household and the ultimate authority.
Back then kids went out to play with others, back then Friendship meant knowing and trusting another person.
The idea of virtue and service were hallmark concepts. The heroes on TV in Comic books and Cinema had one thing in common: They acted on the right side, had a positive message.
Superman did not kill or needed to be portrayed darkly. Lassie alerted the neighborhood and the community worked together to get Timmy out of the well.
All this was an expression of a different society. To us, Policemen were respected and did protect and serve. The very word COP means Citizen on Patrol.
It is the erosion of these values, replaced by progressive ideologies that are to blame.
Modern parents give their kids any electronic device they desire, but lack to educate them or limit their exposure.
I got a .22 when I was twelve and my father took his time to educate me about the dangers, the consequences, and the use.
Now, what parent today knows what games they play? Talk to them about respect, virtue, and responsibility?
Now, what, in my opinion, could be done?
Return to common sense, abandon Political Correctness. Teachers should teach facts not opinions. Let boys be boys and girls be girls.
Yes, there must be equality but not to the extent of trying to ignore the biological difference. Let parents do what they supposed to do, raise and if necessary punish their children. Children will test their boundaries and modern society rejects any control and calls it child abuse.
There is a line between child abuse and teaching boundaries and respect.
So in conclusion, why not look back and realize not everything traditional is bad, and not all progressive development is beneficial.