Thursday 7 February 2013

My father died

Dear Readers and Friends

last week my father died and was laid to rest. While I was not particular close to him,I am in the process of helping my mother with the estate and coping with the loss.
So I am forced to slow down a little in terms of posting stories but I am not forgetting it and will continue to write as soon as I can (1-2 weeks max)



  1. MY thoughts an Prayers go out to you and your family. Hope everything is handled with a minimum of stress, and that you and your Mom are well.

  2. My condolences VR, I lost my dad in 2000 and my mum about 18 months ago so I have some idea of what you are going through.

    May you and your mum be at peace.

    Mar the Unruly

  3. Vanessa,
    Take care of you and your mother. Family is far more important than any story. Should you need me I will be here. I hope you do not mind; I will pray for you and your family in this hour of sorrow. Let us know if there is any thing we can do for you.
