Wednesday 4 June 2014

On February 10th, I suffered a massive stroke and completely out of the blue.
From one moment to the other, I could no longer speek , feel anything in my entire right side.
After two three motnh hospital and intensive physio thereapy I am able to talk again , and getting the use of my hand back.

More to come


  1. It's unfortunate that this had to happen to you, but i'm also glad that you're recovering. PT, OT and speech therapy are your friends. Make the most of them, stay active and do mentally engaging activities

  2. omg, i hope you recover soon, wish u a fast and complete recovery

  3. With the Best wishes of all of us (Your Diehard Fans) you will be up & running in no time.
    Please persevere with your therapy. We're all rooting for you!!

  4. Get Better my Friend, the readers of the world need your skills and stories

  5. Are you ok? We need to hear from you! Hope all is well.
