Saturday 15 December 2012

Imitation is not the finest Form of of a Compliment.. Fan Fiction is!!!

Imitation is not the finest Form of of a Compliment.. Fan Fiction is!!!
Yes it is true and I can't hardly believe it myself. One of my Fans, friends and readers begun to write Stories in the Galactic Chronicles Universe.
While I was a little skeptical at first, but after reading the first pages of his story, I am amazed and excited now.
SILVAK aka Robert , who follows my stories for quite some time now and who helps editing the GalNet Wiki. Under the working title “Triangulum Files” he started to tell a Story within the GC Universe.
To read a story of someone else in the GC Universe is a thrill ride and truly amazing especially since he managed to capture the GC Spirit.
I am very proud of him and fully endorse his stories. They are GC Canon.

Thanks Silvak!! Thank you Robert

To the Stars

Vanessa Ravencroft

1 comment:

  1. To hear that you were skeptical at first is actually quite comforting. Odd, I know. But it's true.

    I'm shooting for a January release of Episode 1. A little later than my goal, but the holidays are going to get me pretty distracted. So everyone keep your eyes peeled.
